Thursday, October 23

i am so fucked up. it`s like i can never be happy. why can`t i fall in love? why for God`s sake? it`s not like i can find a perfect guy every day. but i have to be soooo fucked up!! i hate X for making me love him so much. he was the one i ever loved and i would`ve given my alll to him. but he was a fool. and now i am the fool because i can`t fall in love. i wish i could. but this is the thing with love. it never comes after a while. either it`s there, either it`s not. i could say right now, that i wish i hadn`t met X, but the thing is...he helped me grow up. he helped me become who i am now. but he also made me do awful things. today i broke a heart and a half. and it wasn`t because of him. i can`t blame him. he represents my distant past. it`s because i`m so fucked up. i thought that i would feel better after i ended that. better as in not so guilty anymore. but i don`t. a piece of my heart broke today at noon. i gave it away. i hope for safe keeping. but the thing is, this time i have no way back. i can`t keep playing with feelings. i can`t mess around with people. i`m so fucked up. man, i would`ve been so happy. i just...i don`t have words to express what i feel now. this will hunt me a while. and it`s all my fault. so i blame me. cuz i`m so fucked up.


Anonymous said...

Dude, take it easy!
You can't say you're fucked up just because you can't let go as easily as expected.
And don't blame yourself. Don't blame him. Don't even blame life. Just leave it like that - Nobody's fault.

raliu said...

oh no, i blame me because he had absolutely no fault. minor things bothered me about him, but most it bothered me that i felt guilty cuz i couldn`t love him. and that`s it. period.