Monday, June 30


yesterday i got to thinking about soulmates. do they exist? and if so, how can you tell? a friend of mine said that she believes in soulmates and that there are more than one for each and everyone of us. but the funny part is that in romanian soulmate is translated like a pair of souls. and if so, a pair is formed by two parts. one is always you, and the other can it be divided into many? she than said: it`s like a puzzle, more than one piece can fit. and i agree with that, but only one fits perfectly. now it`s not like i`m the wishing for one perfect guy in my life, i`m just asking myself some questions. as for me, i think every guy was perfect because i`m the type of girl looking for love. real love. ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love. and when i have doubts about that, i let go. i like having fun once in a while, but deep down i wonder all the time.

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