Tuesday, December 2

the heart

I have read on Paulo`s blog what he thinks about the heart and also some comments to his post. the most impressive one was a quote -it doesn`t say whom it belongs- that goes like this: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye". 
I think this in an outrageous saying, it shouts love with every letter. why everytime we have to take a big decision in our lovelife and we choose something wrong we blame ourselves for using our heart instead of our brains? why must all good choises come from our brain? i believe life is trying us out and that`s why we are so often put in this kind of situations. and if so, is fate the one that guides through our choices? or do we really choose with our heart/brains? things have gone this way because nowadays we cannot afford to do anything wrong, people aren`t that understanding anymore. so we live with the fear of failing and that`s why we always have second thoughts. 
i would really like to find out the recipe to happiness, true love and unregrettable actions. maybe that way i`ll understand better what`s going out in this world that we`re living. until then, so help me god. 


Irina said...

it's from the little prince :) and your post shouts love with every phrase too. or at least the desire to find it. good luck in 2009! :)

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't really put my hopes into god if i were you. =P
...hope in...yourself! :P

Anonymous said...

Fiecare are teoria lui despre viata, cum functioneaza etc.Eu zic in felul urmator: Noi mergem pe un anume drum si ajungem la o bifurcatie.Aceasta reprezinta momentul in care trebuie sa luam o decizie.Depinzand de acea decizie o luam pe o cale sau pe cealalta deci in final 90% din lucruri depind de noi :).Vorba lu' kid(floare de colt),hope in yourself. Viata nu are secrete,are doar drumuri :).