Monday, November 17

What is happiness?

I do realize I'm neither the first nor the last person to ask this question. People all over the world have answered  it so many times in so many different ways and will continue doing that until the end of being.

I personally know what happiness is, I've lived it a couple of times, but I can't put it in words for you to understand. I think the definition of happiness varies from one person to another. I've done my homework about happiness and I've heard people defining it from “comfortable shoes” to “a clean MRI on a brain scan”.

I guess, I measure mine in precious, unique, never to come back moments. I like the saying “Carpe Diam” and every time I get the chance to do that I feel amazing. Again, I could say that, from my own point of view, happiness is the most amazing feeling anyone can get in a lifetime. What I mean is that every other feeling that you consider important might be included in the large term of ‘happiness’.

Of course, love is the other very powerful feeling that we more than once get during our living. And nothing compares to love, but again, you can love and be miserable. So, I need to make a correction in my statement: happiness is the most amazing feeling anyone can get in a lifetime, only if it’s followed by love.

I also heard about this American psychologist, Martin Seligman, which found an equation for happiness. He said it equaled the sum of genetics, circumstances and voluntary control. It may be so, it may be not. I don't really think there’s an equation or logical reason for everything. Some things are just meant to be. And if for someone there are all the small things that make them happy, then be it. You can't expect happiness just from the greatest happenings. That's the main wrong idea that the world has.

 I myself feel happy when I listen to the music I love, when I travel around the world, when I'm with people that I care for, when I drink coffee.

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