I find myself in a place where I don't know how tomorrow will be. I feel lost, but I am not lost. In fact, I am pursuing a path to tranquility.
The past six months have flown by in an instant, and yet I am exhausted from a ride in an emotional rollercoaster. I boarded a ship with a set destination, when suddenly my world has opened to a horison of perspective.
I feel more alive than ever, yet sinking seems to be a prerequisite to my understanding of greatness. And so I sink every day, bit by bit, fighting gravity at the same time. Understanding this just makes me wonder, should I stop resisting and let myself be taken away by tide?
It seems to me however, there is a fine line between losing grip of the harness of one's life and letting go of the petty details which destroy its essence.
When you came into my life, I learnt to enjoy the little things which make life truly precious. A simple touch, a conversation, and even sharing a dance in what seems to be a world without problems. Is that not the foundation of happiness?
In a society driven by the idea that knowledge is sustenance, one should not lose sight of the impeccable details hiding under the veil of everyday routine. Love is the pair of spectacles which makes one truly see.
Without love, we're all hanging by a thread. I understand the complexities of pursuing a career and defining who you are through the lens of a title gained from hard work and years of education, but at the end of the day, what positively enriches one's life: your work or the person you sleep with at night?
I recently found myself in a situation where I thought writing an article for a newspaper was one great thing that would enrich my life for all it's worth, when I was confronted with a scene where breathing was a struggle.
Love is the greatest thing and whomever thinks otherwise is a fool. Jobs and professional opportunities come and go; everything happens for a reason. Career is the accumulation of choices in a path of competence pursuit.
When you find someone who looks at you the way you want to be seen, whose lips shape your perspective of future, you don't let go. Not for a job or whatever qualification fulfils you ephemerally, you hold on to it with your teeth like there is no tomorrow.
Carpe diem, how much better it is to endure whatever it will be!
2 years ago
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